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Na veteránských soutěžích letos z hráčů Přerova nejúspěšnější J.Plšek

15. 12. 2011

Veteránských soutěží se letos zúčastňovalo více hráčů SK Přerov – J.Plšek, O.Mergenthal, S.Maděrka, Š.Mazúch, K.Sekanina, I.Gráfová, K.Kepl.

Nejlépe skončil v ČR v kategorii 40+ Pepa Plšek na celkovém 3.místě, kdy zahrál skvěle na závěrečném turnaji Masters v Hluku, kdy s bilancí 5:2 skončil třetí a nestačil pouze na celkového vítěze Sagáčika (KST Vsetín) a druhého v pořadí Doška (Rožnov p.R.).
Mě se závěrečný turnaj nevydařil, kdy s bilancí 2:5 jsem skončil 6., a celkově klesl ze 4. na 5. místo.
Turnaje nejlepších osmi se zúčastnil ještě Karel Kepl v kategorii 50+  a celkově skončil na 6.místě. Vítězství si vybojoval R.Stuchlý z Prostějova.
Na Slovensku je zatím na třetím místě v 40+ Štefan Mazúch, toho ale čeká ještě slovenské Masters 29.12. v Čadci.
Letos se konalo v červnu ME v Liberci a tam nejvíce zazářil Karel Sekanina v kategorii 60+ , kdy se probojoval mezi posledních osm, 1 kolo od medaile! Štefan Mazúch a já jsme postoupili ze základní skupiny do velkého pavouka kde jsme vypadli v 1.kole. Karel Kepl nepostoupil ze skupiny, ale v útěše skončil na krásném 3.místě.
Irena Gráfová měla v Liberci smůlu, kdy se po zranění nestačila dostat do formy a v jednolivcích nepostoupila do VF a ve čtyřhře, kde obhajovala stříbro z Poreče. V posledním zápase si přivodila vážné zranění achilovky a letošní sezóna je pro ni a 2.ligový tým žen bohužel ztracena.


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15. 11. 2023 11:56

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RogerDaymn - Верные рекламные агенства

15. 11. 2023 11:56

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RobertClelp - Entire-Body Treatment from De Integrative Healthcare

15. 11. 2023 3:30

Overview of Diamond state Alternative Health care as well as his or her holistic method to be able to treatments within Middletown, DE

Primary Portions:

1. Complementary Medicine Design
-Dog snacks the actual entire person - brain, body and heart
-Blends conventional as well as alternative approaches
-Talks about actual, mental as well as way of life elements
-Physician-patient partnership focused on health goals
2. Expert services Offered
-Main treatment and continual illness operations
-Acupuncture, massage, natural medicine
-Diet guidance and health instruction
-Yoga exercises therapy, relaxation and recognition
-Bioidentical endocrine therapy
-Intravenous therapies and visual remedies

3. Key Treatment Providers
-Dr. Christina Panuccio, Doctor of medicine
-Dr. Kristen Sniatkowski, MD
-Doctor specialist Theresa Gilman
-Areas of expertise protected

4. Alternative Wellness Strategy
-Natural dietary supplements as well as restorative foods
-Body cleanse applications
-Stress operations and way of life modifications
-Community training courses as well as health occasions

5. Medical center Atmosphere
-Soothing establishing favorable to recovery
-Relieving decor as well as leisure room
-On-site yoga studio
-Drugstore of natural remedies

-Summary of Delaware Integrative Medical's services
-Get hold of particulars along with place throughout Middleton, DE

Allow myself recognize when a person would such as myself in order to expand upon any specific section in far more aspect.

RobertClelp - Entire-Body Care at Delaware Complementary Health care

15. 11. 2023 2:17

Overview of De Alternative Health care along with their integrative approach to be able to medicine throughout Middle village, Del.

Key Areas:

1. Complementary Remedies Model
-Goodies the actual whole person - thoughts, physique as well as character
-Blends mainstream and alternative techniques
-Addresses bodily, psychological and life-style factors
-Medical professional-patient relationship concentrated upon wellness objectives
2. Providers Provided
-Primary attention as well as chronic condition supervision
-Homeopathy, rub down, natural medicine
-Diet guidance as well as wellness instruction
-Yoga exercises treatment, meditation along with mindfulness
-Bioidentical hormone remedy
-Intravenous treatments and aesthetic treatments

3. Main Care Vendors
-Dr. Christina Panaccione, Doctor of medicine
-Medical professional. Kristin Sniatkowski, MD
-Doctor medical expert Theresa Gilman
-Locations of expertise protected

4. Holistic Wellness Approach
-All-natural dietary supplements and restorative meals
-Cleansing applications
-Tension operations as well as life-style modifications
-Local community workshops along with wellness occasions

5. Hospital Atmosphere
-Soothing environment favorable to be able to restorative healing
-Relieving design as well as relaxation place
-Onsite meditation studio
-Drugstore of organic treatments

-Overview of Diamond state Integrative Healthcare's expert services
-Contact particulars along with area in Middle village, DE

Let everyone understand if you would similar to everyone to be able to expand about just about any particular section within far more aspect.

RobertClelp - Entire-Body Attention at Diamond state Complementary Healthcare

14. 11. 2023 19:19

Overview of De Alternative Healthcare as well as their own integrative method in order to remedies throughout Middle village, DE

Main Portions:

1. Integrative Remedies Model
-Goodies the actual entire particular person - brain, physique as well as heart
-Combines traditional and substitute methods
-Contact information actual, mental along with way of life elements
-Medical professional-individual relationship focused on health goals
2. Services Offered
-Main care along with persistent illness management
-Acupuncture, massage, naturopathy
-Nutrition advising and wellbeing teaching
-Yoga remedy, meditation as well as mindfulness
-Normal endocrine treatment
-4 treatments and cosmetic solutions

3. Key Attention Providers
-Dr. Melinda Panuccio, Maryland
-Medical professional. Kristin Sniatkowski, Doctor of medicine
-Nurse specialist Theresa Gilman
-Places of knowledge covered

4. Holistic Wellness Approach
-All-natural supplements along with medicinal foods
-Detoxification programs
-Stress supervision along with way of life modifications
-Community training courses along with wellness activities

5. Hospital Environment
-Tranquil setting favorable to restorative healing
-Relaxing decor and leisure room
-Onsite yoga studio
-Dispensary of natural solutions

-Summary of Delaware Alternative Healthcare's services
-Get in touch with particulars along with place throughout Middleton, Del.

Allow everyone recognize if an individual would certainly such as everyone in order to increase about just about any certain area throughout more fine detail.

RobertClelp - Whole-Physique Care in Delaware Integrative Medical

14. 11. 2023 11:22

Introduction of De Complementary Health care as well as his or her alternative strategy to be able to medicine throughout Middleton, DE

Primary Areas:

1. Complementary Treatments Model
-Dog snacks the particular whole person - brain, body as well as character
-Blends mainstream along with alternative techniques
-Addresses physical, psychological along with lifestyle factors
-Doctor-individual partnership concentrated upon wellness targets
2. Services Offered
-Primary attention along with persistent condition operations
-Homeopathy, massage, natural medicine
-Nutrition counseling as well as wellbeing teaching
-Yoga exercises remedy, deep breathing and recognition
-Bioidentical junk remedy
-4 treatments along with cosmetic treatments

3. Key Treatment Vendors
-Dr. Melinda Panuccio, Maryland
-Medical professional. Kristen Sniatkowski, Maryland
-Nurse medical expert Theresa Gillman
-Places of expertise covered

4. Integrative Wellbeing Strategy
-Organic supplements along with medical food
-Body cleanse programs
-Stress management and way of life changes
-Local community training courses as well as well-being activities

5. Medical center Environment
-Peaceful environment favorable to restorative healing
-Relieving design along with rest and relaxation place
-On-site meditation business
-Local pharmacy of all-natural solutions

-Overview of De Alternative Healthcare's services
-Get hold of particulars as well as area within Middletown, Del.

Permit myself understand if you would certainly similar to me to be able to increase about any certain area within more fine detail.

RobertClelp - Whole-System Care from Diamond state Complementary Medical

14. 11. 2023 9:07

Overview of Diamond state Integrative Healthcare along with their own alternative approach to be able to remedies within Middle village, Del.

Key Areas:

1. Integrative Treatments Model
-Dog snacks the particular whole particular person - brain, body along with spirit
-Mixes mainstream along with substitute techniques
-Addresses actual, mental as well as lifestyle aspects
-Doctor-affected individual collaboration focused on health objectives
2. Expert services Offered
-Main treatment along with chronic illness supervision
-Chinese medicine, therapeutic massage, naturopathy
-Diet counseling as well as wellbeing instruction
-Meditation remedy, relaxation and recognition
-Bioidentical junk therapy
-Intravenous remedies along with cosmetic solutions

3. Key Treatment Companies
-Dr. Christina Panuccio, Doctor of medicine
-Medical professional. Kristin Sniatkowski, Doctor of medicine
-Doctor medical expert Teresa Gillman
-Areas of knowledge included

4. Holistic Wellness Method
-All-natural dietary supplements and restorative food
-Cleansing applications
-Tension operations and life-style modifications
-Community training courses as well as health events

5. Hospital Environment
-Peaceful setting conducive to be able to restorative healing
-Relaxing decor as well as leisure place
-On site meditation facility
-Dispensary of organic remedies

Bottom line:
-Overview of Diamond state Alternative Health care's expert services
-Contact particulars along with place in Middletown, DE

Let everyone understand if you would like everyone to expand about just about any certain area in a lot more detail.

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RobertClelp - Complete-Physique Care in Delaware Alternative Medical

14. 11. 2023 5:41

Introduction of Delaware Integrative Medical along with his or her holistic method to remedies within Middle village, DE

Primary Sections:

1. Integrative Remedies Design
-Goodies the particular entire individual - mind, physique as well as heart
-Mixes conventional as well as alternative methods
-Addresses physical, emotional and way of life factors
-Doctor-individual collaboration concentrated in wellbeing goals
2. Expert services Offered
-Primary care along with continual illness management
-Acupuncture, massage, naturopathic medicine
-Diet guidance and wellness coaching
-Yoga remedy, relaxation as well as recognition
-Pure hormone therapy
-4 treatments along with visual treatments

3. Key Care Companies
-Doctor. Christina Panuccio, MD
-Medical professional. Kristen Sniatkowski, Maryland
-Health professional medical expert Theresa Gilman
-Places of expertise covered

4. Alternative Wellbeing Approach
-All-natural dietary supplements and medicinal meals
-Detoxification applications
-Tension supervision and lifestyle adjustments
-Local community classes and health occasions

5. Clinic Atmosphere
-Peaceful setting conducive in order to recovery
-Soothing decor and relaxation room
-On-site meditation studio
-Dispensary of natural remedies

Bottom line:
-Overview of De Integrative Health care's services
-Contact particulars along with place within Middleton, De

Let myself know in the event that you would certainly like me to expand on just about any specific portion within more detail.

AVluh - avia

13. 11. 2023 19:18


MilfordHog - Educating Ones Pet Utilizing Alpha Behavior

12. 11. 2023 8:54

Overview of Leader Instincts canine education thinking as well as approaches. These people concentrate in good encouragement whilst setting up the proprietor because load up innovator.

Primary Areas:

1. Dominant Reactions Training Method
-Utilizing dog's all-natural pack reactions to be able to value proprietor as innovator
-Good reinforcement techniques
-Incentive-structured training methods
-Comprehension puppy mindset and manners
-Customized training ideas for every canine
2. Conformity Coaching
-Simple commands - remain, continue to be, appear, back heel, lower
-Leash training regarding strolling correctly
-Checking jumping, nipping, woofing
-Socializing with some other puppies and individuals
-Away-leash control

3. Conduct Modification
-Addressing problem habits - hostility, stress and anxiety, eating, searching, and so on.
-Fixing undesirable practices
-Managing excitable along with high power canines
-Coaching for spliting up nervousness

4. Specialized Education
-Services pet preparation
-Therapy canine certification
-Defend pet conditioning
-Recognition as well as following capabilities
-Hunting canine effectiveness
-Competition as well as demonstrate training

5. In-Home and Kennel Education
-Exclusive in-home sessions
-Day training along with boarding programs
-Party instruction in his or her education service
-24/6 coach help for boarders

-Review of Leader Instincts' knowledge along with multipurpose coaching providers
-Get in touch with details with regard to examining and costs

Let me recognize if an individual would certainly like me to be able to expand or even put far more information upon virtually any specific area.

MilfordHog - Coaching Ones Pet Together with Alpha Instincts

12. 11. 2023 7:48

Overview of Alpha Reactions canine training philosophy along with approaches. These people concentrate on constructive motivation while creating the actual proprietor as bunch head.

Main Areas:

1. Dominant Reactions Training Strategy
-Utilizing dog's all-natural bunch behavior to regard proprietor as innovator
-Good encouragement techniques
-Reward-structured coaching methods
-Comprehension dog mindset along with behaviors
-Customized education ideas with regard to every pet
2. Compliance Training
-Basic commands - sit, stay, arrive, heel, lower
-Lead training with regard to jogging properly
-Controlling jumping, biting, woofing
-Socialization along with additional canines along with individuals
-Away-leash control

3. Conduct Modification
-Dealing with problem habits - aggression, nervousness, gnawing, searching, and so forth.
-Fixing undesirable habits
-Controlling enthusiastic along with higher vitality puppies
-Training with regard to splitting up nervousness

4. Customized Training
-Assistance canine planning
-Therapies dog recognition
-Guard dog health and fitness
-Diagnosis as well as monitoring skills
-Seeking pet effectiveness
-Competition and demonstrate training

5. In-Home and Boarding Education
-Exclusive in-home sessions
-Evening coaching along with pet programs
-Team instruction from his or her coaching capability
-Twenty four/6 instructor help regarding boarders

-Review of Alpha Instincts' knowledge as well as multipurpose education providers
-Contact details for examining along with costs

Permit me recognize if a person might such as myself in order to expand or include a lot more details about any certain area.

MilfordHog - Coaching Your Pet With Leader Instincts

12. 11. 2023 6:44

Review of Alpha Instincts pet education philosophy as well as methods. These people emphasis on good reinforcement although creating the owner as bunch leader.

Key Sections:

1. Dominant Reactions Training Strategy
-Using pet's natural bunch instincts in order to value user since leader
-Constructive reinforcement methods
-Incentive-dependent coaching methods
-Understanding dog perception as well as behaviors
-Custom made coaching ideas with regard to each and every pet
2. Conformity Education
-Fundamental commands - take a seat, keep, come, back heel, down
-Teather education regarding jogging correctly
-Checking jumping, nipping, barking
-Interpersonal interaction with other puppies as well as folks
-Away-leash manage

3. Behavior Alteration
-Coping with issue behaviors - aggression, nervousness, chewing, digging, and so forth.
-Correcting unsatisfactory habits
-Managing enthusiastic and higher energy puppies
-Training regarding separation anxiety

4. Specific Education
-Assistance pet processing
-Therapy dog accreditation
-Guard dog fitness and health
-Recognition as well as tracking skills
-Searching for canine effectiveness
-Competition as well as demonstrate training

5. Throughout-Home along with Boarding Education
-Exclusive in-property sessions
-Day training and kennel programs
-Group classes at their own education capability
-Twenty four/Several coach support regarding ship owners

Bottom line:
-Review of Alpha Instincts' knowledge along with adaptable education expert services
-Contact info with regard to evaluations and charges

Let everyone recognize if a person might such as me to be able to increase or perhaps put a lot more details upon any particular section.

AVluh - avia

12. 11. 2023 6:33


MilfordHog - Coaching The Pet Utilizing Leader Behavior

12. 11. 2023 4:29

Introduction of Dominant Behavior pet training thinking and methods. These people emphasis upon positive motivation while creating the user as load up leader.

Primary Portions:

1. Leader Instincts Coaching Strategy
-Using pet's natural load up behavior to be able to regard owner as head
-Positive encouragement strategies
-Reward-structured education approaches
-Understanding dog perception along with habits
-Personalized coaching plans for each and every canine
2. Compliance Education
-Fundamental orders - sit, continue to be, appear, back heel, down
-Lead coaching regarding jogging correctly
-Controlling jumping, nipping, too much barking
-Socializing together with other canines and folks
-Away from-leash handle

3. Conduct Alteration
-Addressing problem habits - hostility, stress and anxiety, gnawing, digging, and so on.
-Rectifying unwanted habits
-Controlling enthusiastic as well as substantial vitality puppies
-Coaching for splitting up anxiety

4. Customized Coaching
-Assistance dog processing
-Therapy dog certification
-Guard pet health and fitness
-Recognition and following skills
-Hunting pet effectiveness
-Rivals along with show education

5. Within-Home as well as Kennel Coaching
-Personal in-property classes
-Day coaching along with kennel programs
-Party instruction at his or her training service
-Twenty four/Several coach support regarding ship owners

Bottom line:
-Overview of Alpha Reactions' knowledge as well as adaptable training providers
-Get in touch with information regarding evaluating along with costs

Permit me recognize when an individual might such as me to be able to broaden or even include more particulars upon just about any certain area.

MilfordHog - Coaching The Dog Together with Alpha Reactions

12. 11. 2023 3:22

Overview of Leader Behavior dog education ideology as well as methods. These people concentrate in positive reinforcement although setting up the particular owner since load up head.

Primary Portions:

1. Alpha Instincts Training Method
-Utilizing dog's natural pack reactions to respect user since innovator
-Positive motivation strategies
-Reward-structured education techniques
-Comprehension dog mindset as well as behaviors
-Customized training programs with regard to every pet
2. Obedience Training
-Fundamental orders - take a seat, keep, come, heel, down
-Lead coaching regarding strolling properly
-Curbing bouncing, pinching, too much barking
-Interpersonal interaction with some other puppies and people
-Away from-leash manage

3. Conduct Changes
-Addressing difficulty manners - anger, nervousness, gnawing, digging, and so on.
-Correcting unsatisfactory routines
-Managing animated along with high energy dogs
-Education with regard to spliting up stress and anxiety

4. Customized Training
-Services pet preparation
-Remedy pet certification
-Defend dog health and fitness
-Recognition as well as monitoring capabilities
-Hunting canine proficiency
-Competition as well as display coaching

5. Within-Home as well as Kennel Training
-Exclusive in-property periods
-Evening coaching along with pet applications
-Team courses in their education facility
-Twenty-four/7 trainer assistance for boarders

-Review of Dominant Instincts' knowledge along with multipurpose training expert services
-Contact info regarding evaluating along with pricing

Let me know if an individual would certainly such as myself to be able to expand or add more details upon virtually any specific portion.

MilfordHog - Educating Ones Puppy Utilizing Leader Reactions

12. 11. 2023 1:08

Introduction of Alpha Reactions canine education philosophy along with techniques. That they focus on positive reinforcement whilst setting up the particular proprietor as pack head.

Main Areas:

1. Alpha Instincts Training Approach
-Using puppy's all-natural pack instincts to respect owner since leader
-Constructive motivation methods
-Compensate-dependent education methods
-Comprehension canine mindset as well as habits
-Personalized coaching ideas regarding each and every canine
2. Compliance Education
-Fundamental orders - sit, continue to be, appear, back heel, lower
-Leash coaching for walking correctly
-Curbing bouncing, biting, woofing
-Socializing together with other canines along with individuals
-Off-leash control

3. Habits Modification
-Addressing difficulty manners - hostility, stress and anxiety, eating, burrowing, etc.
-Rectifying unsatisfactory routines
-Controlling enthusiastic and higher energy dogs
-Coaching for splitting up nervousness

4. Specific Education
-Services canine processing
-Therapy pet accreditation
-Guard canine health and fitness
-Diagnosis along with monitoring skills
-Seeking pet proficiency
-Rivals and show coaching

5. In-Home along with Boarding Training
-Private in-home sessions
-Day education along with pet software
-Group instruction at their own training service
-Twenty-four/Several trainer support regarding ship owners

-Review of Dominant Reactions' encounter along with versatile training providers
-Get in touch with information with regard to evaluations along with costs

Let everyone know when a person would similar to myself to be able to increase or even add a lot more particulars upon virtually any specific portion.

MilfordHog - Training The Puppy With Dominant Instincts

11. 11. 2023 23:59

Introduction of Leader Reactions dog education ideology as well as approaches. That they focus on positive motivation whilst setting up the particular user since pack head.

Key Areas:

1. Leader Instincts Education Method
-Making use of dog's organic pack behavior to be able to respect user because innovator
-Constructive reinforcement strategies
-Reward-based coaching approaches
-Comprehension canine psychology as well as manners
-Custom made training programs with regard to each and every dog
2. Compliance Coaching
-Simple orders - take a seat, continue to be, appear, heel, along
-Leash training for strolling correctly
-Controlling jumping, nipping, too much barking
-Socialization together with some other puppies as well as people
-Off-leash handle

3. Habits Modification
-Dealing with problem habits - aggression, nervousness, chewing, burrowing, etc.
-Correcting undesirable practices
-Controlling enthusiastic as well as higher energy dogs
-Education regarding spliting up stress and anxiety

4. Specialized Education
-Service pet processing
-Therapies pet certification
-Defend pet health and fitness
-Recognition along with tracking capabilities
-Seeking dog proficiency
-Rivals along with show coaching

5. Throughout-Home and Boarding Coaching
-Private in-property periods
-Day training along with pet programs
-Party instruction at their own education facility
-24/6 coach assistance with regard to ship owners

-Overview of Leader Behavior' experience along with multipurpose education expert services
-Contact info for evaluations and costs

Let myself know in the event that an individual might like me in order to broaden or even put far more details about virtually any specific portion.

MilfordHog - Coaching Your Dog Together with Dominant Reactions

11. 11. 2023 22:50

Review of Alpha Reactions canine coaching philosophy and approaches. That they focus on good encouragement while setting up the user as bunch head.

Primary Sections:

1. Dominant Instincts Education Approach
-Making use of puppy's organic pack behavior in order to respect user since head
-Positive reinforcement strategies
-Reward-structured training methods
-Knowing puppy mindset as well as behaviors
-Custom made education programs for every canine
2. Conformity Coaching
-Basic instructions - remain, stay, come, back heel, lower
-Leash training for jogging adequately
-Controlling bouncing, nipping, barking
-Socialization with other puppies and people
-Off-leash control

3. Conduct Alteration
-Addressing problem behaviors - aggression, stress and anxiety, eating, searching, and so forth.
-Fixing undesirable practices
-Managing animated as well as high energy puppies
-Training for spliting up anxiety

4. Specialized Coaching
-Services canine preparation
-Remedy dog accreditation
-Defend pet fitness and health
-Recognition as well as monitoring abilities
-Seeking pet efficacy
-Competition as well as demonstrate education

5. In-Home and Kennel Education
-Personal throughout-house sessions
-Day coaching along with pet programs
-Group classes in their coaching service
-Twenty four/6 coach help regarding boarders

-Overview of Leader Instincts' encounter and adaptable education services
-Get in touch with info regarding evaluations and charges

Let me recognize if you might similar to me to be able to broaden or put more details on just about any particular area.